FEED THE HOMELESS & WINTER ITEM DONATION DRIVE: We are collecting perishable items, food Gift Cards, and new unwrapped toys from Tuesday, October 15, 2019- Saturday, November 23, 2019 for families that may need a little assistance for the holidays.
ANNUAL HOLIDAY PARTY W/ GIFT/TOY GIVEAWAYS: Saturday, December 14, 2019, from 12:00pm-3:00pm. Come for a day of music, food, fun, and give-a-ways. COLLECTING NEW TOY DONATIONS STARTING ON Wednesday, October 15, 2019. Please RSVP at programs@asunstar.org
HALLOWEEN PARTY: Saturday, October 26, 2019, ASun Star hosted their annual Halloween Party. It was filled with grouling goblins of Music, Food, and Fun. Participants came in their favorite costume.
S.T.E.A.M Summer Program: Monday through Thursday from July 1-July 31 at Rosa Parks Elementary School in Orange, NJ. The 40 participants (3rd-5th grade) engaged in a daily round-robin activity model focusing on the core areas of Music and Movement, Recyclable Art Making, Science and The World Around US, and “I AM ME” (future building).
Inspired Recreational Summer Program: This program ran from July 1st through August 31st. We were able to give 70 participants a safe place filled with excitement and team building. They were able to be around a diverse group of individuals, go swimming, gardening, learn about healthy eating/drinking, paddle boating, and robotics/spy gadget building with Little Ivy Academy. Our youth also attended many excursions such as Maker Spaces, Museums, amusement attractions, and the zoo just to name a few!
First Annual Community Day: Saturday, July 19, 2019, over 200+ attendees from the community were able to enjoy a day of BBQ, Cotton Candy, Popcorn, Snow Cones, Face Painting, Music by a live DJ, and an array of Bouncing Houses and Obstacle Courses.
2018 Holiday Initiative: ASun partnered with “The Help Center” to cook, cater & serve over 200 homeless individuals for the holidays.
Community Service: ASSC has paired up with local painting/construction supply companies to help families in need to complete cosmetic work on their homes. ASSC employees have volunteered their time to help the families complete their dream home.
Proceeds Night: ASSC developed a proceeds night with T.G.I. Friday’s restaurant, in an effort to raise funds to assist families within our program (i.e. food vouchers, utility needs, therapeutic family activities). For many of our families, this allows them the opportunity for needed assistance and to be exposed to places and events that they may not have participated in otherwise.
Back to school book bags: ASSC annually presents children in need with book bags and school supplies for the school year. Our team at ASSC understands the importance and value of our children receiving an education. Therefore, it has been our honor to assist those that are in financial need by supplying them with school supplies for the school year.
Thanksgiving baskets: ASSC values humanity and feels that it is important for families to share the holiday season with one another. Therefore, we will be supplying families in need with thanksgiving baskets for Thanksgiving Day.
Christmas toys: ASSC has paired up with various corporations in order to request donations of toys and gifts for our children during the December holiday.
Holiday Party: ASSC has hosted an annual holiday party, since 2006, for families in the program. Families participated in free raffles, ate food, danced to music, played games, and were presented gifts. In 2018, ASun Star’s holiday festivities gave away over 100 toys and turkeys to families