Patricia Kane comes to ASun Star with an MBA and BSW from the University of N. Alabama/AI. She brings a wealth of knowledge and 20 years of experience in the field. Ms. Kane proudly accepted The Community Operational Director position to help lead and grow our ever-expanding organization. Patricia has served and continues to serve on several State Boards and Committees. With her previous experience, she has supervised both for-profit and not for profit agencies. Starting in the field as an overnight Direct Care Worker for Tier II adolescents, she quickly gained the skills needed to write proposals, budgets, and contracts; while seeking agency funding for personnel and workforce development projects in order to increase internal bench strength for New Jersey Providers.
Patricia (PK) to most, has an eclectic background; which gave her the tools necessary to succeed within New Jersey’s Human Services changing landscape. Being a strong proponent and advocate for individuals, families, and employees; Patricia has worked to develop and open several programs to serve youth who exhibited severe aggression, fire setting, and sexual reactive behaviors also known as Specialty Bed (Spec) Programs for DCF. In addition, Patricia opened Residential Treatment Centers (RTC’s) throughout New Jersey.
In developing these types of programs, her expertise and dedication to the individuals she served were recognized and Ms. Kane was offered the opportunity to open New Jersey’s first program to serve individuals with developmental disabilities and mental illness. The individuals served were housed with the Division of Developmental Disabilities and tiered through the Department of Children and Families based upon the actual needs of the individuals served rather than assigned funding levels; known today as Fee for Service.
With Patricia’s well-rounded background, she served as a former Executive Director of a For-Profit Agency within New Jersey; serving @500 employees and @312 individuals; which included two high schools, day habilitation services, group homes, supervised apartments, supportive living, RTC’s and Respite. Patricia has also worked in the human services field as a Correctional Emergency Response Team (CERT) Agent, Director of Operations serving and expanding DDD group homes, supervised apartments, host homes, treatment homes, and day programs through the deinstitutionalization of New Jersey’s Developmental Centers in addition to supervising clinical and ancillary services. PK has a vast network of resources through the Division of Developmental Disabilities, the Department of Children and Families, the Department of Education, the Commission for the Blind and Visually Impaired, and the Department of Vocational Rehabilitation.
Patricia is a proud leader in the field and more importantly, she holds herself and those around her to the highest standards. Do not be shocked if you see PK around the programs, in the hallways, on the vehicles, or visiting with the individuals in our care at all hours of the day. She believes in starting from where you are and visiting where you need to be; in order to understand where you are going. One of PK’s mottoes is to live life today by loving what you do, give respect to all, laugh daily and never see the possibilities outside of the box; rather- ‘why see the box at all.’